Friday, July 2, 2010

Would like.

Ma incanta enorm cand gasesc chestii originale care fac memorabil orice am putea considera in viata de zi cu zi absolut banal. Sa nu lungim vorba. Din punctul meu de vedere, un calendar e ceva banal. Toata lumea are: pe birou, pe perete, pe calculator, pe telefon, in portofel... Dar cine are unul ca cel de mai jos e un semizeu pentru mine. :) Zeu suprem ar fi daca mi l-ar face cadou.

"Ink Calendar" makes use the timed pace of the ink spreading on the paper to indicate time.
The ink is absorbed slowly, and the numbers in the calendar are "printed" daily. One a day, they are filled with ink until the end of the month. A calendar self-updated, which enhances the perception of time passing and not only signaling it.
The ink colors are based on a spectrum, which relate to a “color temperature scale”, each month having a color related to our perception of the whether on that month. The colors range from dark blue in December to, three shades of green in spring or oranges, red in the summer.
The scale for measuring the “color temperature” that I have used is a standard called ‘D65’ and corresponds roughly to a midday sun in Western / Northern Europe.
The "Ink Calendar" was developed for “Gradual “, an exhibition featuring works, which were evolving during the exhibition time at the London Design Festival 2007.

L-am gasit aici printre alte lucruri superbe pe care le posta Meek pe Monoblepsia. Nu stiu de ce a renuntat, dar arhiva merita vazuta pana la primul lui post. :)

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